Saturday, April 26, 2014

The phone "E" friend

                The phone
                holds our souls
                we have
                no control
                it has 
                solely  n  soulfully
                time    n
                time again
                well spent
                we don't stop
                we don't smile
                we don't listen
                we are not here
                we are      there
                in a layer
                we   talk no more
                we   sit so close
                we   speak
                we are
                we are
                to it
                    it loves us
                    it tells you
                              you're beautiful
                in articles of screens   
               does it mean
               as much
               as the
               fellow or Lady
               who smiles
               who stops
               who says
               oh thee you are
               thee Heavenly presence
              of Beauty
              of  Delight
              oh thee a sight
              of Happiness
              oh thee a glow
              a glow that speaks to me
              to say  have a nice day   how are you
              we could of been lifelong friends    when darkness hits   
              turn on your phone
              you are
              turned on
                       by the phone 
              to see  
              you see
              this is you    the world on the phone    no room for us
                                                                                   who is us
                                                                                              us is me
                                                                                                      me and you
             lets stop and talk  I Promise not to  turn off   in the middle of a conversation
                                                            or freeze    in your time of trouble      
                                                            or  get lost in your time of need
                                                            or just not  pay
   I won't have to say
   I Love You any more
   Hear    thee
   I need  
   a      Human friend
   a  phone 
   a     phones  friend
       obsessive friend
By: Ink Knighted Poet

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem. It speaks to man of today, acknowledging the idea that this wondrous technology we have harnessed in an attempt at efficiency and ease of communication has hindered, at least some of the time, our ability to convey our thoughts and wants and needs the way we always have. Keep it up, Mr. Parra.
